federal register • 23 january 2015

CMS has published in the federal register:

  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Verification of Clinic Data—Rural Health Clinic Form and Supporting Regulations
  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities:
    1. Prior Authorization Form for Beneficiaries Enrolled in Hospice
    2. Annual Eligibility Redetermination, Product Discontinuation and Renewal Notices
  • A Notice of Medicare Program: Medicare Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee: March 24, 2015, Meeting

federal register • 02 may 2014

CMS has published in the federal register:

  • A Final Rule with comment period for the Medicare Program:
    1. Prospective Payment System for Federally Qualified Health Centers;
    2. Changes to Contracting Policies for Rural Health Clinics; and
    3. Changes to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 Enforcement Actions for Proficiency Testing Referral
  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Reconciliation of State Invoice and Prior Quarter Adjustment Statement
  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Medicare Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol
  • A Meeting of the Advisory Panel on Outreach and Education, Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Programs