federal register • 03 july 2023

CMS has published in the federal register:

  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Negotiation Data Elements under Sections 11001 and 11002 of the Inflation Reduction Act
  • A Notice of Revised Program Guidance for the implementation of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program under the Inflation Reduction Act

federal register • 30 june 2023

CMS has published in the federal register:

  • Proposed Rules for the Medicare Program:
    1. End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System,
    2. Payment for Renal Dialysis Services Furnished to Individuals With Acute Kidney Injury,
    3. End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, and
    4. End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choices Model

federal register • 27 june 2023

CMS has published in the federal register:

  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Collection Requirements for Compendia for Determination of Medically-accepted Indications for Off-label Uses of Drugs and Biologicals in an Anti-cancer Chemotherapeutic Regimen
  • A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities: Add-On Payments for New Medical Services and Technologies Paid Under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
  • A Notice for the Medicare Program: Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies