CMS has published in the federal register:
- A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities concerning the Medicare Beneficiary and Family-Centered Satisfaction Survey
- A Notice of Agency Information Collection Activities concerning the PhysicianQuality Reporting System (PQRS) and the Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Program Data Assessment, Accuracy and Improper Payments Identification Support;
- A Notice of Application for Continued Approval of its Rural Health Accreditation Program:
American Association of Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities - A Notice of Approval as an Accrediting Organization for Diabetes Self-Management Training Programs: American Diabetes Association
- A Notice concerning Adjustment to the Amount in Controversy Threshold Amounts for Calendar Year 2016
- A Notice of Continued Approval of the American Association of Diabetes Educators as an Accrediting Organization for Diabetes Self-Management Training Programs